Total quality management is not a goal, but a voyage towards development. Quality is a whole and loss of the value even in the smallest parts will be very significant. Developments in the science and technology have changed  the complexity in the products, the communication possibilities and facility in transport resulted in the increasing demands of the consumers, and the compulsion of the competitive environment has changed the production and quality methods. As a result, achieving the quality in the first step, has replaced the old fashioned method of quality control.

The outline of this system;

"Planning the quality reliability in advance by taking other effects into consideration as well”;

"Preparing the necessary conditions in serial production in order to achieve high quality”;

"Producing with process control and directing and performing quality controls on the products only when it’s necessary”;

"Taking the decisions, which will obtain the quality, into practice as soon as possible”.

 As a result, realising the series of activities towards the clients’ demands in all levels from the general manager to the lowest personnel at once, without mistakes and with minimal costs will be sufficient to reach the target: QUALITY.

The quality means continuous improvement for our company. Finding permanent solutions to our mistakes, instead of instant solutions is one of the most important conceptions of our service.

 Targets developed under quality managements of Erma Automotive are;

 •To improve the quality level of the products to meet the clients’ demands, requirements and expectations wholly,

•Decreasing the loss of discards (scraps), workmanship and material by moving ahead in a planned and well thought manner,

•To decrease the costs of operations by working for the same purpose from the upper level to the lowest personnel,

•Solving the blockage by moving uniquely with the fastest speed in solving problems, producing ideas, developing proposals, taking decisions and getting into action,

•In consciousness of the fact that the basic aspect is the human factor, to arrange the relations of employer-employee in a manner in which all persons contribute to the success and to show this approach both verbally and behaviourally,

•To improve the motivation of the personnel in consciousness that he the quality and productivity can be achieved with qualified and high performance personnel,

•To increase the prestige of the company by working systematically and consistently in order to achieve the desired goals,

• Various quality management systems are applied and planned to obtain the aimed quality level and continuous improvement.